Terms of use & privacy policy
All contents of the interchim.gr website, including logos, photos, services provided, are intellectual property and are governed by Greek and international copyright and intellectual property laws.
It is prohibited by law to reproduce, copy, republish, store, sell, transmit, distribute, upload or alter the information from this website without our prior written consent.
You are free to visit our website interchim.gr, without giving any personal details. In case you choose to send us an email that includes any form of personal data, we will handle it with absolute confidentiality and under the strictest security.
The information and material contained in interchim.gr, are intended to provide information and are not professional advice. Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided, the material and the links are accurate, we are not responsible for any damages that will be caused by any use of this information, material or links.
interchim.gr collects personal data (name, telephone, e-mail address) of visitors only if the visitor enters them in the contact form or newsletter and we use them with the explicit consent of such visitors to inform them of their requests for new products and services. of this professional activity as well as for sending newsletters to potential clients.
We do not share the personal contact information submitted on the Website with any third party, unless it has the express consent of the user or as required by law.
We take privacy and security very seriously and we are committed to treating customer / visitor information with the utmost confidentiality.
interchims.gr does not oblige users to register, engage in or collect personal data about children or internet users under the age of 18, without the consent of their parents.
If you have entered your personal information in the contact form of this website and you wish to delete them, you can either contact us by phone at the phones listed on this website or send a request through the contact form with the indication delete.
interchim.gr may use cookies or google analytics only to collect statistics on the popularity and effectiveness of its pages and footnotes, is anonymous information and does not contain personal data. We use this information to design our website to better meet the needs of our visitors / customers.
As with most websites, we automatically collect some information and save it to logs. This information may include IP addresses, browser type, referral / exit pages, operating system, visit date / time, and clickstream data. We will also collect information about specific devices (such as the operating system version).
We use this information for technical and security reasons as well as for the collection of statistical data.
interchim.gr provides links to other websites which it does not control. The company assumes no responsibility for the privacy policy of these websites or the protection of personal data.
The users / visitors of interchim.gr accept that they will not use this website to post, publish, email or otherwise transmit any Content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, is a violation of any , shows empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic, or other discrimination; infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights, contains software viruses or any other codes, files, or programs designed to interrupt; the pre damage, destruction or equipment of the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally violates applicable Greek and Community law and its provisions, may harass third parties in any way and any Content used to collect or store personal data relating to other users.
The above policy complies with the applicable Greek data protection laws. We reserve the right to change its data protection policy in order to comply with the relevant Greek legislation.
For any information, clarifications, submission of any request, such as contacting the site administrator or request for reproduction rights of any part of the content of the site, as well as requests for content approval reproduction, you can contact customer service at 2118008568. or send an email to: info@interchim.gr